Journey of a Miracle

A humble plant stands tall in a dry, waterless, baron yet beautiful landscape.                 Another cactus you ask?  Well no actually I’m talking about the plant Aloe Vera.

Aloe Plant


For several thousands of years this plant has been used for its said healing qualities, yet it remains relatively unused in its natural state in the Western World.

There are many variations of the plant (around 500 species) and Aloes are actually members of the Lily family (Liliaceae) not cactus as some believe.  They are relatives of our every day Lily’s and Tulips.  Aloe Barbadensis is the commonest plant now used in cultivation for many every day products.

Aloe has some wonderful pseudo names; the burn plant, medicine plant, the silent healer and a great one from Japan, isha irazu which literally translates in to “No need for a doctor!” The ‘Vera’ part of the name translates to  ‘True’ so Aloe Vera refers to a true Aloe plant .

Aloe has been documented (stone carvings and papyrus) as far back as 6,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Aloe was regarded as a sacred plant, which held the secrets to beauty, health and immortality.


Both Cleopatra and Nefertiti greatly valued the plant and used it as a part of their beauty care. The dead were embalmed with extracts of the plant because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungi qualities. Aloe was known as the “plant of eternity”. Its anti-inflammatory and pain soothing effect were documented in the “papyrus Eber” of 1,550 BC!

Two-thirds of the Earth’s population still treat and benefit from plant derived remedies like Aloe, so what is it’s purpose?   Well it has been used as a medicine, make up, laxative, rejuvenation product a healer and soother.  African and South American countries still use the Aloe straight from the plant to help with burns/bites and it is also used as a digestive aid.

So where is Aloe today?

Well it is added to just about every skin / healthcare product to give the impression of soothing and gentleness, when in fact often it is just the smell of a low grade amount of Aloe in products and none of the actual ‘healing’ gel itself.  Your alternative health shops will sell capsules and gels containing Aloe, but is it true Aloe?  As long as the first key ingredient is Aloe Vera gel then yes it probably is.  The main difference with products is the amount of Aloe contained and which part of the plant was used (Leaf skin or inner gel).

Disappointingly it is still not used as much as it should be.  Most Adults will have Sudocrem, Savlon, Germolene, Immodium, Gaviscon & TCP in their cupboards but no Aloe Gelly or Aloe drink which can do the job just as well. Of course the medicinal industry would lose millions if we swapped what we know for Aloe so is this why it isn’t publicised?

Watch out for this plant and its growing popularity.  When people go back to basics and take the alternative route the Aloe plant will still be here like it has been for the last 6000 years!Aloe Vera Plant





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